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Silent App is a solution that operates discreetly on employees' devices and computers (laptops/desktops) without indicating that it is active. The application runs in the background without any icons.

Once the Silent App is installed on employees’ machines, time will be tracked automatically as soon as the machine starts. The application will start along with your computer. You can see the gathered data for the day in the Dashboard section. The company owner and admins can group tracked applications into three sections - Productive apps (green), Unproductive apps (orange), and Neutral apps (grey). Optionally, along with time tracking, the automatic screenshots function can be enabled to reflect more detail about the activity on each computer.

The Dashboard overviews the company's performance on the selected day. This section is available to Company Admin and PM-level users.

If a user is logged in and the internet connection is lost while Silent App is running in the background, Silent App will store data collected locally on the computer until the internet connection is re-established. Afterward, tracked data will be sent back to the cloud. Please note that stored data will be lost if the user's computer is restarted during an offline period.

On the Silent App, each user can have a different time zone.

You can delete the screenshots and videos from the Work Diary section.

Yes, you can view the employee's screen live using the live tracking screen.

Getting Started

When registering with Silent App, you will be able to set up your account and download the Silent App during the onboarding process.

With Silent App, as soon as the user starts their system, the application will run silently in the background.

Silent App tracks time automatically once it is linked with the user profile. Automated tracking will start recording the applications and websites used by the user.

Use the Silent App download load page to download the app and install it on a Mac. For help, refer to the Mac Installation guide shown during the onboarding process.

If you created your account and made sure everyone has installed the Silent App application, it is time to set up your account to match your tracking needs. In your account, you can group employees into departments, such as Marketing, Management, etc. To create a Department, go to Company Setup → Department, and click the 'Add new Department button. Once a department has been made, you can add employees, enable their screenshots, and set up productivity levels.

There are two ways you can set the productivity status of an application:

Department Level: You can go to the manage app and website screen and select the app productivity for the entire department.

Individual User: You can go to the user productivity screen, select the user, and manage its productive app and website.

These are a few terms you should know before you start using Silent App:

Productive time - Total time spent on productive apps.

Time at work - Total time from when you arrived and logged in to when you left work.

Idle time - A time gap between two fractions of track time, which appears when there haven't been any actions on the computer for more than a set number of minutes.

Productivity - Productive time, divided by the total time and expressed as a percentage.

Arrival Time – When the user logs in for the first time in a day.

Left Time – Once the user logs out of the machine.

Silent App is supported on Windows and Mac OS.

Silent App Tracking supports all major HTML5-compliant browsers.

Silent App offers a 7-day free trial, including all the features mentioned in the plan.

Rest assured, linking users in an Active Directory environment is straightforward. Simply ensure that the users you wish to monitor have their Silent App registered email ID added to their User Account Profile. This will automatically link the Silent App tracking.

Install the Silent App on the user's machines where monitoring is needed. Once the app is installed, the user's system will be visible on the Device Mapping screen to Admin; select the user's registered silent app account and map it to its local system to ensure smooth tracking.


The Categories section will help you to organize the lists of your used programs, websites, apps, etc. To add new categories, go to Silent App → Categories and press the Add New Category button. Enter the name of the category and choose a color for that. To delete a category or change the name, or color, click Edit.

All of the tracked apps in Silent App are divided into three Productivity levels: productive apps (green), Unproductive apps (orange), and Neutral apps (grey). These Productivity levels can differ from Department to Department and User to User. For example, what counts as productive for social media managers won't probably work for programmers.

Productive - Apps/Websites that are important to a department's work;

Unproductive - Apps/Websites viewed during working hours distract from job tasks and are irrelevant to users' work.

Neutral — Apps/Websites are used daily but neither interfere with nor distract from work, nor are they directly involved in getting the job done.

Also, any app for which productivity is not set will be set to neutral by default.

You can go to Company SetupUsers and delete the employees. Once an employee is deleted, it cannot be restored. If you want to permanently delete an employee, you may mark it as inactive.


To enable screen capture for a company, go to Company Setup->Configuration->Work Diary.

The Screenshots feature enables Silent App to capture users' computer screens at random time intervals. Managers can view their users’ activities throughout the day and gain a better understanding of how the users spend their time at work.

All screenshots taken by the Silent App can be found in the 'Work Diary' section, accessed from the Full Menu.

You specify the time and resolution at which the screenshots will be captured.

Video Recording

The user can enable video capture by going to Company Setup->Configuration->Work Diary and selecting the video recording module as Yes.

The video starts capturing at random intervals as soon as the user logs in to the system.

All the automated recorded videos are available in the Work Diary section, where you can view them.

You can set the video recording interval from 20 minutes to 120 minutes.

Can I manually record videos?

All the videos recorded manually can be downloaded directly from the live view popup. Once downloaded, they cannot be downloaded again; however, you can view them on the work diary screen.


Admins can see statistics for the entire company, but Managers can see statistics for the department they manage. You can apply filters for each report to choose the department, user, or period for which you wish to see data.

You can download the report in PDF, Excel, and Word format.

Yes, you can print the reports directly from the web portal.


Click on FREE TRIAL, select your required packages, and select the number of licenses you need. You can opt for a monthly plan or an annual plan, which gives you a 15% discount. Enter your information and card details, and you're good to go.

If your payment was declined, please check your bank account to see if such a transaction is supported. The most common reasons for payment decline are:
Insufficient funds
Expired Card
Card Limit Exhausted
Invalid transaction (not supported by the bank or type of card) .

Silent App standard package starts from as low as $5 USD per user per month.

If your automatic payment method is not working, the support team will contact you to update your card. If you are unable to update the card for some reason, you can request a payment link as a temporary payment option.

As of now, you can choose from three standard packages: silent Monitoring, Silent Monitoring with Project Management, and Employee Productivity Suite. All three packages come with a seven-day free trial.

You can opt for a different plan or log into your Talygen account and click on Full Subscription & Billing.

The monthly billing plan charges your payment every month from the date of purchase. (Actual Billing starts post-trial period)
The annual billing plan is charged once a year on the date the plan was started, and a 15% discount is offered.

You can remove employees from a subscription by going to the Subscription & Billing module under Manage Subscription. Click on "Edit Subscription," reduce the number of licenses taken to the required amount, and update the billing.

You can pay using a Debit Card, Credit Card, Amex Card, or Discover Card.

You do not need to apply any special code; as soon as you go to the check-out screen, the promo code is automatically applied.

How It Works

Step 1Install

Easy and quick installation process on target devices.

Step 2Review

Access and analyze detailed reports from a secure online dashboard.

Step 3Act

Use the insights to make informed decisions and take necessary actions.

Why Silent Application is the Top Choice of 200,000 Users Globally

Invisible oversight boosting productivity.

Silent monitoring for enhanced employee oversight.

"Silent Application helps monitor employees, ensuring productivity without their awareness."

Matthew Carter

Precise project tracking for optimized management.

Allocate time to projects seamlessly for improved resource management.

"Quick project management and work tracking have optimized our project costing and deadlines."

Ella Mitchell

Stealth mode

Focused workflow with app and website insights.

Identify work apps and websites to enhance focus.

"Silent Application’s URL & app tracking helps us minimize distractions effectively."

Logan Perez

Screenshots transforming remote management.

Visual insights with periodic desktop screenshots.

"Captures screenshots in stealth mode and provides invaluable visibility into remote team activities."

Scarlett Sanchez

Maximizing productivity with idle time insights.

Spot and reduce idle periods for improved productivity.

"Idle time detection has helped us eliminate distractions effectively."

Jacob Reed