
The Problem

In remote work environments, companies face significant challenges in managing a dispersed workforce across various time zones. They needed to determine if frequent meetings, calls, social media usage, and other interruptions were hindering employee focus on core tasks. Insights into actual productive work hours were essential to address issues such as:

  • Unauthorized Clocking In and Out: Remote employees asked friends or family members to clock in on their behalf.
  • Lack of Supervision: Employees could slip away unnoticed, disrupting operational efficiency.
  • Extended or Night Hours: Employees often fell asleep during work hours.
  • Personal Activities: Time spent on social media, online shopping, or personal chats.
  • Extended Breaks: Disrupted workflow and lowered productivity.
  • Moonlighting: Employees held multiple jobs without employer knowledge.
  • Avoidance Tactics: Use of mouse-jiggling software or devices to simulate activity.
  • False Reporting: Employees submitted inaccurate reports on hours worked or tasks completed.

The Solution

SilentApp has proven to be an effective solution for these challenges.

SilentApp adheres to industry standards and operates discreetly to monitor employee activities in real-time. It captures desktop actions, application usage, and time spent on specific tasks, all without disrupting workflow. This desktop application has assisted numerous companies in evaluating their remote staff through continuous, invisible surveillance. The solution provides:

  • Live Dashboards for Productivity Patterns: Managers receive real-time insights into employee productivity.
  • Detailed Analytics of App and Website Usage: Comprehensive data on employee work habits.
  • Customizable Access Policies: Employers can set specific monitoring parameters tailored to different departments and workloads.
  • Real-Time Efficiency Metrics: Accurate tracking of active and idle hours to assess productivity.
  • Offline Monitoring Capabilities: Ensures monitoring continues even without an internet connection.

Benefits of Using Silent Application


Real-Time Monitoring

Monitor employee activity by capturing desktop actions, application usage, and time spent during work hours.


Keystrokes and Mouse Activity

Record keystrokes and mouse movements to detect authentic user engagement and flag any artificial mouse jiggling software use.


Screenshots and Video Capture

Periodically captures screenshots and video recordings of employee screens without alerting users, ensuring an accurate representation of the work.


Idle Time Reporting

Log periods of inactivity to ensure employees are not artificially using tools or devices to inflate their activity metrics.


Centralized Monitoring

Deploy across all systems from a central location for cohesive monitoring and management.


In-Depth Analysis

Obtain valuable insights into user behavior to streamline workflows and improve resource management.


Preventing Unauthorized Access

Ensure that computers are secured during periods of inactivity.


Flexible Screen Recording

Flexibility and automatic recording of desktops to capture related or non-work-related activities.

Stealth mode

How Silent Application by Talygen Helped?

The industries achieved improvements in their employee activity monitoring through:

  • Screen captures are used to gain insights into employee behavior on various platforms.
  • Analyzing pending tasks across platforms and tracking improvements in task completion rates.
  • Identifying sources of distraction and barriers affecting task initiation.